
Looking for a Job

Having your qualifications recognised

If you have qualifications from your own country, you can apply to NARIC to have your qualifications recognised.  This service is free. Their address is Dublin 2 DO2 P266. Their website is www.qqi.ie

If you have your qualifications recognised, it may allow you to join the course you want to attend in Ireland in year 2 or 3.

Job Search

Register with INTREO in order to look for a job. You will be assigned to a case worker who will help you plan your career. S(he) may offer you courses to improve your chances of getting employment.

Help is available on regular courses by various organisations.  You can get help writing a CV and preparing for interview. Check our Facebook page.

You can look for jobs on line: www.sligojobs.ie, www.jobsdonedeal.ie, www.findajob.ie, www.jobs.ie, www.recruitireland.com.

You can approach recruitment agencies:

  • ICE group recruitment, Abbey House, JFK Parade
  • Rutledge, Bridget’s Place, off Pearse Road
  • Collins Mac Nicholas, JFK Parade.


Some other helpful tips:

  • Check the newspapers.  The Youth Information Centre on Rockwood Parade have free photocopies of the ads pages.
  • Subscribe to LinkedIn.
  • Ask around.  People you know may have heard of jobs.
  • If you choose to email your CV or send it by post, make sure to include a covering letter summarising your skills, knowledge and qualities for the job.  Follow up with a phone call 10 days later. Treat the call like an interview.
  • If you choose to go door to door, have a CV ready to drop in. When you talk to somebody, treat it like an interview.

Special Schemes

If you have been receiving Job Seeker’s Allowance for a while, you may qualify for Job Plus, Internships with Job Bridge, CE Schemes and Tus.

Starting your own business

You can avail of advice from Enterprise Sligo tel 0719144779.  If you have been receiving Job Seeker’s Allowance for a while, you may qualify for Back to Work Enterprise Allowance, which will allow you to work and also receive an allowance.

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