Volunteer with Us

English Conversation Tutor for Adults – One to One

We are inviting volunteer tutors to conduct conversations in English with a resident of Globe House.

Tutors will meet adults on a one to one basis for an hour and a half once or twice a week, depending on tutor availability and learner request. The purpose of the meeting is to help the learner, who is a Globe House resident, to improve their English conversation. Some residents have virtually no English and it is vital that they learn to understand basic expressions and vocabulary in order to engage with and integrate into Irish society. The emphasis is on the learner acquiring basic skills while gaining confidence. The tutor and learner can select their own materials or work with none or use hand-outs provided by Diversity Sligo.

Volunteers will meet someone who comes from a different culture and exchange views. They will get the recognition and thanks of Globe House residents and of Diversity Sligo. It is expected that friendships will be formed between the tutor and the learner.


Please Note:

We ask volunteers to make a minimum time commitment of 3 months.

What’s required for this position?

  • Clear diction and good command of English.
  • Ability to judge at what level the learner is at.
  • Ability to choose relevant conversation topics.
  • Ability to encourage the learner.
  • Ability to correct mistakes in an encouraging manner.
  • Hours required: 1.5hrs Twice per week

As asylum seekers are considered vulnerable adults volunteers will be required to undergo a garda vetting. The process is quite simple and replies are expected in two weeks

Volunteers will be provided with support / advice / recognition and training.

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