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Congratulations, you have got your papers!

Diversity Sligo is here to help you every step of the way…

You will receive the recommendation of the IPO to the Minister for Justice to grant you refugee status or subsidiary protection or leave to remain on humanitarian grounds or residency on the basis of being the parent of an Irish child. (An Irish child is a child born to an Irish parent).

You will receive the Minister’s Letter.


You need to:

Apply to the local Garda station for an appointment with the Immigration Officer who will issue an Irish Residence Permit.

Apply to Sligo County Council for Social Housing. If you qualify, you will be granted a Housing Assistance Payment (HAP).

Your GNIB Card

When receiving the letter from the Department of Justice and Equality giving you:

  • refugee status
  • subsidiary protection or
  • leave to remain on humanitarian grounds or
  • residency on the basis of being a parent of an Irish citizen child

Go to the Garda station and make an appointment to see Immigration Officer Michael Carr. He will issue a GNIB card free of charge within a week. This card will be used to identify you and get your Social Welfare payment and other things.

Travel Document

If you do not have a passport and cannot get one, you can apply for a Travel Document. You will not be allowed to travel to your country of origin if you have refugee status.

The application form can be found on www.inis.gov.ie

Family Reunification

If you are a refugee or have Subsidiary Protection, you may apply for Family Reunification with your spouse, children or parents. You can apply for other family members if they are dependent on you.

At the moment, it takes one year to process your application.

Irish Citizenship

A person must be in Ireland for five years in order to qualify for citizenship. Time spent as an asylum seeker does not count.


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